LIVE STREAM: Vaccine Mandate Protest at St. Joe’s Hospital in Howell, MI
Say “NO” to the shot! Healthcare workers and supporters rally against mandatory vaccines in Howell, Michigan. Interviews Live StreamContinue Reading
Say “NO” to the shot! Healthcare workers and supporters rally against mandatory vaccines in Howell, Michigan. Interviews Live StreamContinue Reading
Join us as we LIVE STREAM the gathering outside the main hospital and ER area to protest the vaccine mandate. Signs, fog horns, whistles, prayers and music are all welcome! This entire event will be carried with respect for anyone and everyone. With extreme awareness of making sure any emergency vehiclesContinue Reading
Today hundreds of protestors from all over the state of Michigan gathered at five Henry Ford Hospitals to protest against mandatory vaccine mandates for employees. Amber Castro, organizer and a team of Michigan healthcare workers against unconstitutional mandates along with several other grassroots organizations, put today’s event together. Michigan forContinue Reading
The wind. The rain. And more wind and rain. But that didn’t stop people from coming out to the Michigan State Capitol for the third annual March for Medical Freedom, put on by Informed Choice Michigan. Informed Choice Michigan is a state chapter in alliance with informed Choice USA. ThisContinue Reading
This morning at Southfield High School, we noticed between 4-5 police vehicles staged in the parking lot. Why are they there do you ask? Grass-roots groups Informed Choice Michigan and Guardians of Freedom Michigan helped promote a peaceful protest event, as well as Ryan D. Kelley, running for governor andContinue Reading
The Michigan house oversight committee passes HB-4667 that will forbid any type of state issued Vaccine Passport. The bill was referred to the Oversight Committee for consideration, and after a vote of 6-3, will move to the House for a vote. HB-4667 – Health: immunizations; COVID-19 vaccination passport; prohibit governmental entityContinue Reading
Legislators had a hearing on Covid-19 Vaccine Passports to eliminate any advancement towards tyranny and discrimination towards freedom loving Americans. Multiple testimonies from expert medical professionals as well as IT experts were given in support of HB-4667 Naomi Wolf came to the House Oversight Committee to voice support for banningContinue Reading
Michiganders Against Vaccine Passports Rally, Bipartisan Hosted by Cindi Holland and Maija Hahn Even though the rain was cold on this mid April day, patriots still came out to show support against the vaccine passports that some lawmakers are trying to push into law. The Michigan Department of Health andContinue Reading
Traveling through wind gust and drizzling rain, two groups of brave Patriots gathered for a maskless protest at Twelve Oaks Mall in Novi, Saturday afternoon to defy the MDHHS Directors unconstitutional “face mask order” Joie Vawter a cofounder of Guardians Of Freedom Michigan and organizer of the event,Continue Reading
Michigan GOP gathered today to give a statement concerning the latest reported trip to Florida that Governor Gretchen Whitmer traveled during her unconstitutional mandates that we reported about here: Gov. Gretchen Whitmer Broke Her Own Travel Orders To Visit Father! Michigan GOP Sets Out To Take Action! MichiganContinue Reading
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