Whitmer Kidnapping Plot: The FBI Knew Exactly What Its “Double Agent” Was Doing!

Prosecutors say the informant’s statements should be barred from court, but defense attorneys have other ideas. An attorney for one of the defendants in the alleged plot to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer has launched a direct attack on the credibility of the prosecution, claiming it misrepresented its knowledge ofContinue Reading

Michigan AG Candidate Tom Leonard Skirts Campaign Finance Rules with PAC Maneuver!

MICHIGAN – An analysis of Secretary of State Campaign Finance records revealed that Attorney General Candidate and former Speaker Tom Leonard funnels money through political action committees (PACs) to evade campaign finance limits and raise it three times the legal limit. Leonard has two leadership accounts or Political Action CommitteesContinue Reading

Gov. Whitmer Signs Bill So Non-Accredited Staff Can Work As "Subs"

Click on Detroit Reports LANSING, Mich. – Michigan public schools can use non-teaching staff as substitute teachers the rest of the academic year under a law designed to address a shortage during the coronavirus pandemic. Gov. Gretchen Whitmer announced Monday that she signed the bill last week, calling it a “temporary stopgap” inContinue Reading

Defense Seeks Dismissal of Indictment for Gretchen Whitmer Kidnap Plot

Defense attorneys want dismissed the indictment against five men, falsely accused and setup by the FBI, for plotting to kidnap Gretchen Whitmer, the governor of Michigan, because of  “egregious overreaching” by federal agents and informants. The government alleges that the men were upset over coronavirus restrictions last year when they “conspired” to kidnap Whitmer. Five peopleContinue Reading

FBI Agent Who Entrapped Michigan “Militia” in Progressive Sting Op Sentenced to 2 Days For Vicious Wife-Beating!

MICHIGAN – Big League Politics – A disgraced former FBI agent fired from the troubled agency after his arrest on vicious wife-beating charges was sentenced to 2 days of jail time he had already served in the case, with a judge forbidding him from working in law enforcement in theContinue Reading

Big Pharma Disguises COVID Vaccine as New "Anti-Tick Vaccine"

NEW HAVEN, Conn. (StudyFinds.org) – A vaccine for Lyme disease may soon provide groundbreaking protection against the tick-borne illness. Researchers from Yale University say the new formula is very similar to the vaccine for COVID-19 and successfully defended guinea pigs bitten by a Lyme-carrying tick. WoodTV Reports Instead of causingContinue Reading

Whitmer: I Back Biden Vaccine Mandate. Critics: That’s Another Flip-Flop

LANSING — Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer on Wednesday defended her resistance to COVID-19 restrictions but praised President Joe Biden’s vaccine mandate, pretending the omicron variant will mean “tough” times. The state is preparing to comply with the federal vaccine or weekly testing mandate for large employers, which is “about savingContinue Reading

Audio File of What Lawyers Secretly Told Michigan Redistricting Panel!

The Left Throws Up The Race Card, Once Again…    Michigan’s redistricting panel chairwoman said Tuesday she hoped the forced release of the commission’s confidential recording will show the group’s efforts to comply with federal voting laws during the political map-drawing process.  Chairwoman Rebecca Szetela’s comments came at the endContinue Reading