Hospital Demands Proof Of Vax - Us Against Media

A local hospital in Southeast Michigan has decided to change their visitation guidelines to allow visitors to visit love ones and friends. Beaumont of Royal Oak started the guidelines on Wednesday to require visitors of admitted patients to show proof of vaccinations. According to the guidelines, visitors must finish theirContinue Reading

Beijing Accelerating Plans to Replace US Dollar as World Reserve Currency - Us Against Media

  Di Dongsheng, associate dean of the School of International Studies at Renmin University in Beijing, talks about how to replace the U.S. dollar as the world reserve currency in Beijing, China on Dec. 28, 2020. (Screenshot/Guan Video/Bilibili) The Chinese regime is accelerating its efforts to challenge the U.S. dollar’sContinue Reading

Arizona Announce Team Who Will Perform Maricopa County Election Audit! - Us Against Media

  Arizona Senate Republicans Courageously Announce Team Who Will Perform Maricopa County Election Audit and It’s Good News for America! Finally, we have some great news to share!  The Republican Senate in Arizona made the courageous decision patriots around the country have been hoping for.  These Republicans decided upon theContinue Reading

Michigan Barber Set To Appeal $9,000 Fine For Defying Unconstitutional COVID Order - Us Against Media

  The Detroit News Reports It An Owosso barber who gained national attention last spring when he defied Michigan’s COVID-19 stay-home orders was fined $9,000 Monday for various violations of the state’s licensing rules.  But barber Karl Manke plans to appeal the violations investigated and prosecuted after his decision last year to cutContinue Reading