Robert Gordon Former Director of  HHS Will Be Subpoenaed To Testify At Michigan Oversight Committee - Us Against Media

What Started Off As A Bipartisan Situation Has Quickly Shifted Gears!

House Resolution 60 hearing on separation agreement subpoena power.

Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s administration agreed to pay former state health department director Robert Gordon $155,506 in a separation deal that also required the two sides to maintain confidentiality about the circumstances that led to his abrupt departure reported The Detroit News

In what seems to be a secret deal between Governor Whitmer and Robert Gordon has Michigan Legislators looking into placing a subpoena to get Robert Gordon to testify before the committee.  


4 Letters Sent Requesting Robert Gordon To Testify!

The Michigan Oversight Committee has tried 4 times to request Robert Gordon to testify before the committee with no avail.  This leaves no other alternative other than to have Robert Gordon subpoenaed. 

One month ago, Governor Whitmer and Robert Gordon amended to remove the confidentiality portion of the agreement, so Robert could speak with the committee. But yet, he still refused.

And of course, there are some democrats that oppose getting answers as to why Robert Gordon chose to take the money and run! 

Democrats Oppose

Representative Julie Brixie (D) District 69, says that if House Resolution 60 gets passed, it should include Legislative NDA agreements or payoffs.

But, Representative Steve Johnson (R) District 72, had to constantly remind Rep Brixie that Legislation already has access to legislative decisions, and adding this to the resolution would not make sense. But still, Rep Brixie persisted. 

Representative David Legrand (D) District 75 felt obligated to bring up the Rudy Giuliani hearings when stating that the legislative branch will start to become a “quasi court” if it has subpoena powers. 

Representative Jack O’Malley (R) District 101 brought up some interesting facts that the legislative branch already has the power to subpoena.

Rep O’Malley asked Rep Steve Johnson;

“The power to offer subpoenas is already part of our Michigan constitution right?” 

Rep Steve Johnson replied;


OK, so with that, Robert Gordon is getting the Subpoena!

What Does Vice Chair Representative Pat Outman Think?

I was able to speak with Representative Pat Outman (R), Vice Chair of the oversight committee, and ask about how we should start holding accountability on people instead of just bringing up issues during the committee hearings. 



I know that its way past time for the people of Michigan to get some answers! 
Michigan deserves answers now!

You can watch the committee hearing here

Written by John Clore

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