W.H.O. Rules Waive Consent on Vaccinations in Schools

WORLDWIDE-  And yet another reason to pull your children out of school. The World Health Organization (WHO) states on their website that consent for school-aged children, vaccination consent may be waived:

“In only very few, well-described circumstances, such as life threatening emergencies, may consent be waived.”

I’m reading in other news today that starting Monday, schools are now giving incentives for students to take the vaccine. Schools in New York are offering $100 gift cards, and tickets to sporting events and concerts. Chicago is doing the same with $100 gift cards. How is this legal? 

This is VERY concerning, as the WHO are allowing older adolescent children to get vaccinated on their own merit, stating adolescents are evolving towards independent decision-making as they mature. In a normal world, a parent would have to fill out a consent form, however, in these “life threating emergency” times, the student can be coerced into getting the shot. 

If you notice in the very bottom of the page, the WHO states: 

“In no event shall the World Health Organization be liable for damages arising from its use.”

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