VIDEO: How One Person Can Cause A Ripple Effect Within Our Laws

The Power Of One!

How One Person Can Cause A Ripple Effect Within Our Laws. You too can make a difference if you stay diligent and show tenacity about whatever it is you hope to impact and change.

HB 4691 

“An act to regulate political activity; to regulate lobbyists, lobbyist agents, and lobbying activities; to require registration of lobbyists and lobbyist agents; to require the filing of reports; to prescribe the powers and duties of the department of state; to prescribe penalties; and to repeal certain acts and parts of acts,”

This was read before the Elections and Ethics committee last week and I heard something that was very shocking! The words Attorney General (AG), as the person that would determine if a conflict of interest exists with lobbyists and lobbyist agents unless the attorney general determines that the appointment would not result in a conflict of interest.


So far, our current AG Dana Nessle, has shown that she can have hard working business owners arrested for trying to provide for their employees and families!


Why should the Attorney General of Michigan be given more power? What I heard alarmed me enough to stand up and say something without any preparation whatsoever!

The outcome of this?

This week we heard the Substitute for HB 4691 in which the Attorney General was removed from the bill completely!

I was able to interview the chair for the elections and ethics committee,  Representative Ann Bolin.

Sometimes, it only takes one…



I hope this inspires others to get involved and start performing the civic duty that you are obligated to. That’s right! 


You can make a difference, if you just try.
The time is now!

Written by John Clore

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