VIDEO: Ann Bollin Michigan Representative Talks About Committee On Elections and Ethics - Us Against Media

Ann Bollin Michigan Representative Talks About Committee On Elections and Ethics.




Bills that were discussed include:

HB 4200: Clarifies the time frame to review initiative petitions.
HB 4492: Expands polling place locations.
HB 4491: Provides for the authority for county clerks to remove deceased individuals from the qualified voter file.
HB 4528: Provides for training requirements for election challengers.
HB 4530: Provides for the primary election to be held in June and eliminates May and August regular election dates.
HB 4531: Removes a reference to the May election date in the Revised School Code.
HB 4532: Revises a reference to the August primary election in Public Act 156 of 1851 to a June primary election.
HB 4533: Revises a reference to the August primary election in the Revised Judicature Act of 1961 to a June primary election.

Written by John Clore

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