THE MEDIA LIE OF THE CENTURY: Joe Biden “Is In Real Significant Trouble” (VIDEO) - Us Against Media




THE MEDIA LIE OF THE CENTURY: Dan Bongino: My Secret Service Sources Are Telling Me Joe Biden “Is In Real Significant Trouble” (VIDEO)


Last weekend Australian reporter Cory Bernardi was the first mainstream host to report on Joe Biden’s obvious dementia that is apparent to anyone paying attention. No one in the US liberal media is strong enough to point this out – President Biden is out to lunch. He is in an escalating stage of cognitive decline.


You Want to See Rage? Wait til Americans See How Fake News Media Lied to Them for Months and Hid Joe Biden’s Severe Dementia




Bernardi shared this on Friday, “Such was the hatred of Donald Trump by the partisan and poisonous mainstream media that they chose not to highlight anything that may have derailed a Biden victory. Even now after he’s been sworn in many are still refusing to speak the truth.”

It’s not a secret to Gateway Pundit readers that Joe Biden is in serious mental decline. It is obvious to anyone paying attention that Joe Biden is a dementia patient. Just ask his handler and wife!

However, if you still believed the mainstream media you would not know about this. They protect him and lie to the American people. This is despite Joe Biden’s obvious mid-stage dementia.

This may be the greatest media scandal of the century so far — and that’s saying a lot considering the Russia conspiracy hoax they pushed for years!

On Thursday night former Secret Service Agent Dan Bongino told Sean Hannity how bad Joe Biden’s dementia really is.
Via The Palmieri Report:

Dan Bongino: It was something I was getting from my sources. Sean, it gives me absolutely no joy in saying this. And I mean that. He is in real significant trouble, Joe Biden. And listen to me. everyone around him. Everyone knows it. Everyone knows it. This is the scandal that they’re not telling you – how bad his condition really is… I’m telling you from what I’m hearing from people in my network, everyone knows how bad it is. Everyone. It’s not a mystery, it is the worst kept secret in the White House.

Sean Hannity: That would be a cover-up.


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