Did John McAfee Kill Himself?

Before I became involved with Media and Politics, I was helping to create D-Vasive and fighting to keep our privacy, in which John McAfee became 30% shareholder in our company. 

After listening to the Snowden interviews on how the NSA does not limit its data collection to just national security issues, a good friend of mine, Lou Franco (Programmer of D-Vasive) spoke with me about developing an Android application that notifies you when any 3rd party malicious applications are running on your phone, that try to open the phone’s Camera or Microphone.  This was around the time when I was being laid off as a developer for a marketing firm in Boca Raton, Florida, so it was perfect timing for me to go ALL IN on D-Vasive.

That is when I thought of expanding the notifications to include the Bluetooth and WiFi.

And not only notifications, but actually allowing the user to lock each device (Camera, Mic, Bluetooth, WiFi) individually, or all simultaneously.
The User Interface that would reflect security, hence the combo lock.
New user interface in the latest version to increase usability.
Idea to have a free version with limited functionality to increase overall userbase.
P.C. Version to increase platform availability.

McAfee Twitter & Facebook Links:

  1. https://twitter.com/officialmcafee/status/690229082504761344
  2. https://www.facebook.com/officialmcafee/posts/d41d8cd9/485393261616859/

D-Vasive on Future Tense Central
D-Vasive on John McAfee

D-Vasive has been covered by numerous news outlets and featured in the following stories:

Click The Image Links:


The End For D-Vasive
Multiple Events Unfold To End D-Vasive

After the Intel / McAfee battle, D-Vasive was methodically pushed aside from gaining further exposure to the masses. D-Vasive proved to be far too powerful of a tool, that ensured privacy for its users. The powers that be would not allow for this.  And the Android Operating System (Pie) has implemented limitations and is pulling the plug on background running processes.  D-Vasive is a background running process.

After 5 years (9 Android Generations, 2.3 – 8.0) D-Vasive will no longer be able to function.
D-Vasive Anti-Spy – Apps on Google Play

In no way, shape or form did John McAfee have a hand, or thought with the entire development of D-Vasive. John McAfee was only a face to market D-Vasive (That of which he did a horrible job).  John McAfee is merely a conman.  Nothing more, nothing less…  If I would have known all of this beforehand, I would have never have signed him onto D-Vasive,  and that is my fault. 

The article links above were focused on the D-Vasive acquisition and not the functionality of the app.  The D-Vasive demographics that we needed to target were security conscious individuals, not stock traders and players in the NYSE. 

If proper marketing would have been deployed within the scope of our demographics, then D-Vasive would have been a monetary success as well!

In the end, I honestly feel that the D-Vasive / MGT Capital Investment acquisition was used (without my knowledge) as a tool in a pump & dump scheme that was orchestrated by Barry Honig and Robert Ladd

That of which they tried to lure Kim Dotcom in on, which I watched unfold via the internet just after the MGT / D-Vasive / Demonsaw summit.

More on Pump and Dump Scam: Article Link

SEC LINK to Purchase Agreement Between MGT Capital Investments and D-Vasive Inc.

I remember my last words to Robert Ladd, as I was shaking his hand while walking him to his airport shuttle in Atlanta during the MGT / D-Vasive / Demonsaw summit.
I said, thank you Mr. Ladd for giving us the opportunity to get our product out to the people.  With a snicker, his reply which always struck me as odd was, “No, thank you!  You guys made us millions!”

“The spike in MGT’s share price was melting away. Five days later, the New York Stock Exchange announced that it intended to delist MGT. The company’s stock price nose-dived, taking with it the fortunes not only of principals like Honig and McAfee but of smaller shareholders like John Clore.”


John McAfee was strung out on HARD DRUGS and ultra paranoid about whatever his mind creates. He has been in this state for YEARS and that would be the reasoning behind his “Cryptic Messages”…  Somebody is always watching and following him! He is delusional and completely in a manic state.

If you care to actually look into his past, you will see he was involved with, and committed the following;

Rape (Belize)
Murder (Belize)
Shooting In Own House (Tennessee)
DUI (Tennessee)
SEC Fraud (MGT Capital Investments)
Tax Evasion (MGT Capital Investments)
Pump & Dump Scams (MGT Capital Investments)
RoundHouse Incubator (Alabama)

This is what I know of, but I am positive there are many, many more crimes committed by this delusional madman…  

After years of knowing John McAfee, I can honestly say this man knew absolutely nothing that would put anybody’s life at jeopardy other than what he was capable of carrying out himself…


Yes! He was at the end of his rope, no more dope and no more to float!  At 75 years old, the best way for him to go out and tell his story; “I was murdered by a secret ring because I knew something” 

The only thing he knew was that he would no longer have the life he used to lead. No More Cons, No More Lies, The End For John McAfee.  

After the D-Vasive / MGT Captal fallout, I took a few years away from tech and worked as a steel fabricator and finisher.  After the development of D-Vasive and during the acquisition, I was working in the septic industry.   I wanted as far from the tech field as humanly possible.

Written by John Clore

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