School Board Member's Lies Reach Senate Committee

LANSING- Today, lies poured out of the mouth of a Michigan democrat Senator describing a school board meeting the previous night where a woman was ejected for not wearing a mask. That senator was Dayna Polehanki, and she was told this misinformation from her chief of staff, Dan Centers.  Dan Centers just happens to be a member of the Livonia Public School Board, and he’s also running for Livonia city council.

The Livonia public school board recessed for over an hour at Monday night’s meeting to call the police on the unmasked woman. The Wayne County Health Department mandates masks in school for everyone.


Polehanki announced to the committee about receiving texts from Centers in a back room, saying that “School board members were overrun by hostile, screaming people opposing the school’s mask mandate, which was administered by the health department.” “The police were called, and it was ugly, and that’s why I introduced a bill to stop it.” 


Police and an attorney were called to figure out how to have the woman removed from the meeting. The woman respectfully left after explaining her exemption, and police warned her that she would be arrested for trespassing if she attempts to return unmasked. So how could Dan Centers report all of this to Senator Polehanki without ever being in the room?

See the video of the police confronting the woman. Does this look like hostility to you?




From an eyewitness, the School Board President Colleen Burton lectured everyone about respect and fairness at the beginning of the meeting. Would you call this respect and fairness?  Leave your comment below!

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