Mitt Romney Caught Taking Big Money Donations from George Soros Org




Republican Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT) has been caught taking large donations from globalist billionaire George Soros’ organization, Soros Fund Management, financial records have revealed.

Political figures who have received money from Soros include Democrat powerhouses such as former President Barack Obama, Sen. Chuck Schumer, former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, and others.

Disturbingly, back in 2012, George Soros said he saw little difference between Mitt Romney and Barack Obama, and it has now been revealed that Romney is on George Soros’ payroll.

The Utahn senator stunned everyone when he became the only Republican to vote to convict President Donald Trump in the recent Democrat-led impeachment sham.

Does his decision to accept Soros’ dark money donations explain his decision?

According to, Romney has accepted at least $17,500 from Soros Fund Management, a left-wing influence operation funded by notorious globalist billionaire George Soros.

And that’s just the donations that were declared publicly. Who knows how much money was funneled to him by the man who broke the Bank of England, was declared a “financial terrorist” in Malaysia and found guilty of insider trading in Europe.

George Soros, who considers himself a God, has no respect for the law and does not play by the rules. By siding with Soros and accepting his dark money, Romney has lost the right to be trusted.

Remarkably for a so-called Republican, Romney actually makes it into the top 20 of compromised politicians who have accepted money from Soros Fund Management.

It seems that Republicans have had enough from Mitt Romney.

First, he was notified by a tweet from Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) chair Matt Schlapp that he was “not invited” to the annual conference after being one of two Republicans in the Senate to vote to call additional witnesses in the impeachment trial of President Donald Trump.

The ‘extreme conservative’ and Junior Senator from the great state of Utah, @SenatorRomney is formally NOT invited to #CPAC2020,” Schlapp tweeted.

And now a Utah lawmaker has filed a bill to allow Utahns to recall an elected United States senator.

Deseret News reports:

The lawmaker, Rep. Tim Quinn, R-Heber City, told the Deseret News in an interview Wednesday shortly after the bill was made public that it’s not meant to target any specific sitting Utah senator — but it comes amid heightened national attention on Sen. Mitt Romney, who has been among the few Republican senators publicly critical of President Donald Trump.

Romney in recent days has ignited simmering controversy over whether to bring additional witnesses and documents into the impeachment trial against Trump. Yet Quinn said his bill isn’t aimed at Romney or any specific senator — though he acknowledged his bill comes at a time that people will likely construe it that way.

“I know that’s what’s going to be the narrative,” Quinn said.

“If it were, then it might make sense to have a sunset on it. That would not be the case.”


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