Michigan State Police Assault & Battery Report - Biden Supporter Assaults Trump Supporter




So, I requested the police report in which I was the victim to a Biden fan going postal with wrapping a sign around my face.  REPORT

Yea, I know its funny.  But, if it happened to you, I also bet that you wouldn’t be laughing as hard… 

A couple of points I want to make that I noticed in this report, is the amount of Black Outs.  Is this a TOP SECRET CIA DOCUMENT?  Is this CLASSIFIED INFORMATION?  Anyway, the black boxes were there when I received the report, and the red I placed.

1st Point:

Notice this (EXCEPTIONAL CLEARANCE)  Very interesting…  How can I receive some (EXCEPTIONAL CLEARANCE) ?

2nd Point:

Notice how the prosecutor’s reason is blacked out. 


And here is the FULL POLICE REPORT


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