Michigan House Media Pass Revoked! Senate Pass Denied! - Us Against Media

Michigan House of Representatives Revoked My Media Pass Yesterday!  

As I was entering the Anderson Building to attend the Ethics and Elections Committee, I was asked by capitol security to present my credential.  

I asked “Do you need to actually hold it or something?”  and proceeded to hand my media pass to capitol security. 

Once I handed it to him, he began taking the lanyard off and explained “I have been ordered to take this from you”

I asked for an explanation and was not given one. 



I also received an email stating that my senate media pass was denied. Again, no explanation was given.

After asking numerous personnel at the capitol, I was finally able to talk to the brass (A Capitol Police Supervisor) who was on the senate floor.   He explained how www.UsAgainstMedia.com does not meet the requirements, or is not on “The List” of qualified media.   This is literally the excuse I was given. 

And is CNN on this list of qualified media sources?

What exactly constitutes qualified media according to Michigan House and Senate?

Michigan House Rules States:

Accreditation of News Media. Rule 22. (1) The Clerk shall receive the applications of all members of the news media. Persons desiring to be accredited as official media correspondents at the two-year session shall file a written application with the Clerk. When issuing credentials, the Clerk shall instruct the media person as to conduct on the House floor.

I cannot find any qualified media list.  I cannot even find rules that specify how a media outlet is determined qualified…

The Media Registration 2019-2022 Guidelines does not seem to have a list of qualified media outlets either.  Nor does it give proper definition as to what “Qualified Media” is… 

I think we can all determine why my 1st amendment rights to freedom of the press and free speech was violated right?  Because I am fighting the media with real news and covering stories that “qualified media” refuses to cover… That may involve exposing local government and authorities who are corrupt, or fail to do their job!

Written by John Clore

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