LIVESTREAM: Victoria Mccasey in the matter of Conrad Rader's Estate

PONTIAC- Today at 1:30pm, we will be streaming live at the 1200 Building in Pontiac to document the case of Victoria Mccasey and Conrad Rader’s Estate in probate court.

2019 May VICTORIA SPEAKS at Commissioner’s Office: Update On Probate Court:



 Watch Livestream from the courtroom!

(Due to possible connectivity issues, we may have to broadcast a prerecording.)



So as you can see, the 1st amendment of Freedom of the Press was violated again…   We followed proper protocol with submitting a request to the court 3 days prior to this hearing.  We even spoke with the court administrator once we arrived at the courthouse. 

So, not being able to document the court proceedings, I went outside of the courtroom to document the encounter with Michael Bambas and sheriff deputies. 


I was able to interview Victoria Mccasey and ask her questions about what happened and what to expect. 


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