LIVE INTERVIEW with Constitutional Attorney Katherine Henry of Restore Freedom TONIGHT AT 7:30pm!



Serving as a local public official, and being a licensed attorney, Katherine has taken the oath to defend the US and Michigan Constitutions several times, and she takes that oath quite seriously. The rest of this amazing team is comprised of Michiganders young and old, out of work employees and busy business owners, men and women, and people of every political persuasion – all desiring to do their part in restoring our God-given liberties protected by our Constitution. Would you like to join Katherine and the team in defending our Constitution and restoring freedom here in Michigan?”

Restore Freedom


Watch as we go live with Katherine Henry to discuss her upcoming trial and current events unfolding in Michigan. 

First 15 min is echoed. If you simply scrub past 15 min, you will see that we managed to fix the audio. Thanks

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