House Oversight Committee on Covid-19 Vaccine Passport

Legislators had a hearing on Covid-19 Vaccine Passports to eliminate any advancement towards tyranny and discrimination towards freedom loving Americans. 

Multiple testimonies from expert medical professionals as well as IT experts were given in support of HB-4667

Naomi Wolf came to the House Oversight Committee to voice support for banning vaccine passports, theoretical mandates by the state or businesses that would require people get a vaccine. She was one of a series of speakers who  voiced factual statements about vaccines; several likened them to measures enacted during the Holocaust. 

Dr. James Lyons-Weiler who is a Senior Research Scientist at the University of Pittsburgh where he is the Scientific Director of the Bioinformatics Analysis Core gave expert testimony on how the vaccine has not been proven safe. 

Protesters gathered out front to show their support against the Covid-19 Vaccine Passports.

Lynn Sutfin, a health department spokeswoman, said the department “is not currently exploring a vaccine passport concept” and urged residents to go to trusted medical sources for vaccine information.

But what Lynn Sutfin does not admit, is that the private sector will enforce vaccines by refusing services to those that refuse to get the Covid-19 vaccination. 

Things like airline travel, bus travel, trains, schools, restaurants, or anything that is controlled on the private sector, still allows companies the option to subjecting those that do not wish to participate in covid-19 vaccination, to discrimination. 

We got the chance interview several people!  



Dave Legrand (D) District 75 admits that “We have a vaccine with significant lethality”

A big thanks goes out to those that showed up in support of HB-4667!  We need more people to show up on most of these bills that are going before the committee hearings. 

Written by John Clore

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