Golden Globes Drops 60% on Sunday Night — Less Viewers than President Trump’s CPAC Speech Online - Us Against Media




Golden Globes Drops 60% on Sunday Night — Less Viewers than President Trump’s CPAC Speech Online

 Things were better for Trump. Over 8,158,000 people watched President Trump on YouTube deliver his speech at CPAC on Sunday.

Right Side Broadcasting 3.7 million
Reuters: 902,000
ABC News 208,000
The Hill 906,000
ABC Australia 352,000
The Independent 1,000,000
FOX 35 50,000
SKY News 222,000
News Now 818,000

Several more YouTube and Rumble channels carried President Trump’s speech in full on Sunday.
Trump still draws the largest numbers in history to his events.

But the nasty leftists were not so fortunate.

The Daily Caller reported:

The popular award show peaked with an average of 6.057 million viewers Sunday night on NBC, according to

To put into perspective how bad the viewership was on NBC, “60 Minutes,” “The Rookie” and “American Idol” all had more viewers in the early data…

…In all seriousness, this is just the latest example that people don’t give a damn about award shows. There are college football games that regularly get better ratings than what the Golden Globes got Sunday night.

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