UPDATE: Senate Bills 600-603 Would Allow Parents Medical Freedom of Choice

LANSING- Today the Senate Floor passed a package of bills that would give power rightfully back to Michigan parents on masking and vaccine mandates for their school aged children. These bills will proceed to the House of Representatives. Chair Senator Theis (District 22), along with sponsors Tom Barrett, Aric Nesbitt,Continue Reading

VIDEO: Michigan UIA Acting Director Scolded At Oversight Committee!

Michigan UIA acting director was scolded yesterday for lack of answers and accountability as to why the Michigan Unemployment Insurance Agency, just can’t seem to get things together.   Again, no real questions were answered! Us Against Media has attended many Michigan Oversight Committee hearings, and witnessed many testimonies given byContinue Reading

Love Letters To Legislators 9/9/21

Today we delivered Love Letters to Legislators. Representative John Reilly  Senator Mike Shirkey Senator Ed McBroom If you’d like us to personally deliver a “Love Letter” to any of our legislators, please send it to:  Legislator’s Name C/O John Clore P.O. Box 15003 Lansing, MI 48901        Continue Reading

House Oversight Hears Testimony On Broken Unemployment System

LANSING – Today at the House Oversight Committee meeting, attorneys and constituents testified about their difficulties, fraud, and frustrations with Michigan’s Unemployment Insurance Agency (UIA). Chair Steve Johnson (R) opened up the meeting with a thick stack of 20-30 letters, all from UIA to one household. All with different namesContinue Reading