LIVESTREAM: Big Pharma / Michigan Medical Marijuana Takeover Vote Today!
Michigan House Legislators will be voting on a bill today that will allow the Big Pharma takeover of the Medical Marijuana industry in MichiganContinue Reading
Michigan House Legislators will be voting on a bill today that will allow the Big Pharma takeover of the Medical Marijuana industry in MichiganContinue Reading
LANSING- This past week in the Senate Committee for Health Policy and Human Services, a senator interrupted the vote to grandstand against a constituent that testified for a bill that would ban vaccine passports. In the constituent’s testimony, he uses the city of New York’s vaccination requirement in order toContinue Reading
LANSING- A bill to ban vaccine passports was voted out of the Senate Committee on Health Policy and Human services this past week. Specifically, under House Bill 4667, except as otherwise provided by a law of the United States, a governmental entity could not do any of the following: Produce or issue,Continue Reading
LANSING- Today, lies poured out of the mouth of a Michigan democrat Senator describing a school board meeting the previous night where a woman was ejected for not wearing a mask. That senator was Dayna Polehanki, and she was told this misinformation from her chief of staff, Dan Centers. Dan CentersContinue Reading
The Michigan Standing House Committee on Regulatory Reform will be voting on bills that would allow Big Pharma control of the Medical Marijuana industry at 10:30am. House Bills 5126 and 5127. Anderson House Building, Room 519. Watch as we stream live below! Continue Reading
LANSING – Us Against Media will be live at 10:30 AM at Room 519 to report on House Bill 4654. UPDATE: Today there was a vote on a substitute to throw out the Governor and replace with the Director of HHS today, which was unanimous. Eighteen of the Committee membersContinue Reading
LANSING- This past July, Big League Politics wrote an article about Barack Obama giving Senator McBroom props for reinforcing the stolen election as “fair” in the state of Michigan. Check out the tweet by Obama: Big League Politics writes: “McBroom led the Senate Oversight Committee sham hearings last year whereContinue Reading
LANSING- Beau LaFave, a RINO Representative from Iron Mountain announced today of his run for Secretary of State, which will split the votes with Republican SOS nominee and voter fraud whistleblower Kristina Karamo. In which Karamo has the endorsement of Donald Trump. “This, and many other issues, we will discussContinue Reading
LANSING- House Bill 5097, which would ultimately ban the teachings of critical race theory in schools passed today in a 8/5 vote. It will move forward into the House for an upcoming vote. The state board model core academic curriculum content standards shall must encompass academic and cognitive instruction only,Continue Reading
LANSING- Hundreds of marijuana caregivers and medical marijuana patients gathered yesterday at the Michigan state capitol to protest against proposed legislation that will restrict caregiver’s rights. The House Bill package, 5300-5302 will alter changes within the Michigan Medical Marijuana Act and the Medical Marijuana Facilities Licensing Act. House Bill 5300Continue Reading
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