Bill to Ban Vaccine Passports Pass Senate Committee

LANSING- A bill to ban vaccine passports was voted out of the Senate Committee on Health Policy and Human services this past week. 

Specifically, under House Bill 4667, except as otherwise provided by a law of the United States, a governmental entity could not do any of the following:

  • Produce or issue, or enter into a contract with a person to produce or issue, a COVID-19 vaccination passport.
  • Require an individual to provide documentation certifying his or her COVID-19 vaccination status to access a public service.
  • Impose a fine, fee, or penalty on an individual based on his or her COVID-19 vaccination status.

The bill was introduced by Representative Sue Allor (R) back in April. We watched it pass through House Oversight Committee and the House Floor with a vote of 62 Yeas and 47 Nays. The ultimate fear, even if this passes the senate floor, is a veto by Governor Gretchen Whitmer.

Allor states, “I’m looking at this bill as being preemptive to ensure that citizens within the state of Michigan are not going to at some point in time be required to show a vaccine passport.” The Senate Committee democrats however argue the existence of the bill, saying it’s frivolous to preemptively enact laws that do not yet exist. 

With vaccine passports being mandated throughout the world, what do you think? Is this bill a good move?

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